Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dengler
peripheral nerves, muscles, and central movement disorders
peripheral nerves, muscles, and central movement disorders
Country, City
Germany, Hanover
Health facility
International Neuroscience Institute Hanover
Medical unit
Department of neurology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
botulinum toxin
transcranial magnetic stimulation
tourette syndrome
motor neuron
sodium channels
motor cortex
multiple system atrophy
eventrelated brain potentials
muscle vibration
system atrophy
glutamate receptors
evoked potentials
skeletal muscle
cochlear implant
ischemic stroke
spasmodic torticollis
supranuclear palsy
electrical stimulation
blink reflex
spinal cord
nervous system
tensiontype headaches
cortex excitability
ampatype glutamate
intramuscular microstimulation
acetylcholine receptor
nicotinic acetylcholine
glycine receptors
multiple sclerosis
intracortical inhibition
obsessivecompulsive disorder
growth factor
peripheral nerve

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Technical University of Munich
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Doctorate on drug therapy for spastic paralysis
- 1977 Physiological Institute of the Technical University of Munich with animal experiments on various muscle diseases
- Obtaining specialization in neurology
- 1978 Training in neurology and clinical neurophysiology and habilitation in neurology at the neurological clinic of the Technical University of Munich in the area of brainstem reflexes
- 1986 German Research Foundation-funded research stay at the Physiological Institute of the University of Alberta in Edmonton with experiments on the physiology of human nerves and muscles
- Received additional qualifications in the field of clinical geriatrics
- Staff Physician in the neurological and psychiatric clinic at the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz
- 1978 Senior Physician at the neurological clinic of the Technical University of Munich
- 1989 Professor of neurology at the University of Bonn and Deputy Director of the Department of neurology and Head of the laboratory for clinical neurophysiology and physiotherapy
- 1992-2015 Professor and Director at the Department of neurology of the Hannover Medical School
- Department of neurology at the International Neuroscience Institute in Hanover
Awards & Memberships
- 2012-2016 Editor of the journal “Clinical Neurophysiology”
- 2016 Principal Investigator in the cluster of excellence from the German Research Foundation “Hearing for All”
- Member of the editorial board of the journal “Muscle and Nerve”
- Member of the editorial board of the journal “Clinical Neurophysiology”
- Associate Editor of the journal “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”
- Awarded the Richard Jung Prize of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (DGKN), the
- Awarded the PRIX “THEOPHILE GLUGE” of the Belgian Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Sciences
- Robert Schwab Award of the American Society for Clinical Neurophysiology
- Foreign Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Honorary Member of the German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging
- Member of the German Society for Neurology
- Member of the American Academy of Neurology
- Member of the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- Member of the German Society for Muscular Patients
- Member of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology
[Outpatient medical specialist care (ASV): A multiperspective study on status quo, challenges and perspectives].
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Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Straße, 4, 30625 Hanover, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dengler?
The primary specialization of the doctor is peripheral nerves, muscles, and central movement disorders.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dengler has been practicing for more than 48 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dengler
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© Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dengler