Prof. Dr. med. Nicolai Maass
robot-assisted surgery, obstetrics, operative gynecology, and gynecological oncology
robot-assisted surgery, obstetrics, operative gynecology, and gynecological oncology
Country, City
Germany, Kiel
Health facility
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Kiel
Medical unit
Department of breast cancer, gynecology, and obstetrics
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
breast cancer
ovarian cancer
metastatic breast cancer
intrauterine growth
intrauterine growth restriction
ductal carcinoma
perineal ultrasound
gynecological oncology
laparoscopic surgery
lymph node
chemoresistant ovarian cancer
lymph node metastases
endometrial carcinoma
urinary incontinence
breast carcinoma
premenopausal women
uterine sarcomas
ectopic pregnancy
hormonal therapy
radical hysterectomy
operative gynecology
uterine fibroids
robotassisted surgery
laparoscopic hysterectomy
cervical cancer
endometrial cancer
her2positive metastatic breast
triplenegative breast cancer
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1985-1992 Studied human medicine at the University of Ferrara and the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Practices in the USA, South Africa, and the University Hospital of Freiburg
- 1995-1996 Holder of a grant for research work at the Institute of Oncology named after Daney-Farber at the Harvard Medical School from the German Cancer Charity, German Cancer Aid
- 1996 Junior Resident and Researcher in the Department of gynecology and obstetrics
- 1998 Research grant at the Tokyo National Cancer Center as a fellowship of the Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Cancer Research
- Defense of the dissertation
- Obtaining specialization in gynecology and obstetrics
- 2001 Senior Resident of the Department of breast cancer, gynecology, and obstetrics at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Kiel (UKSH)
- 2002 Completed additional medical qualifications in special obstetrics and perinatal medicine
- Habilitation and a teaching license
- 2005 Additional specialization in special operative gynecology
- 2006 Received additional qualifications in the field of gynecological oncology, urogynecology, and drug therapy of breast cancer
- 2006 Visiting Professor
- 2012 Received the additional qualification of a certified specialist in the field of robot-assisted surgery
- 2005 Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of gynecology and obstetrics
- 2009 Head of the Department of gynecology and obstetrics at the University Hospital Aachen
- 2010 Head of the Center for the treatment of endometriosis from the Universities Hospitals of Aachen, Maastricht, and Ghent
- Chief Physician of the Department of breast cancer, gynecology, and obstetrics at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Kiel (UKSH)
- 2015 Director of the Department of breast cancer, gynecology, and obstetrics at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Kiel (UKSH)
Awards & Memberships
- 2000 Member of the expert committee of the German Cancer Aid Charitable Foundation for Cancer Patients
- 2002 Member of the research group in the field of breast cancer of the association of gynecologists-oncologists
- 2003 Member of the study committee and scientific council for the prevention of breast cancer of the German breast research group
- 2004 Founder and Member of the research group from the Translational Research Association of Gynecological Oncology Specialists
- 2005 Head of the interdisciplinary oncology conference
- 2006-2008 Member of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
- 2006-2008 Chairman and Member of the German Cancer Society
- 2006-2008 Head of the commission for attestation of breast centers "Certified breast center" of the European Society of Breast Oncologists
- 2006-2008 Member of the European Society of Breast Oncology
- 2006-2008 Member of the German Senological Society
- 2008 Leader of the German-wide online oncology conference on breast cancer
- 2008 Founder and Board Member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital
- 2010 Head of the European Association of Gynecologists
- 2011 Member of the commission S-3 for the development of recommendations in the treatment of breast cancer
- 2011 Member of the working group "Clinical-statistical groups in German gynecology and obstetrics of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
- 2011 Second Deputy Chairman of the board of the Association of Operative Medicine of the German Professional Association for Evidence-Based Medicine German Network Evidence-Based Medicine
- 2012 Head of the European Commission for gynecological oncology
- 2014-2021 Included in the list of the best German specialists in the treatment of breast cancer according to the annual ranking of the Focus magazine
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Arnold-Heller-Str, 3, 24105 Kiel, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolai Maass?
The primary specialization of the doctor is robot-assisted surgery, obstetrics, operative gynecology, and gynecological oncology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Nicolai Maass has been practicing for more than 33 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Nicolai Maass
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