Prof. Dr. med. Markus Ketteler
internal medicine, nephrology, geriatrics
internal medicine, nephrology, geriatrics
Country, City
Germany, Stuttgart
Health facility
Robert Bosch Hospital
Medical unit
Department of internal medicine, nephrology, and geriatrics
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
vascular calcification
bone disorder
vitamin k
vitamin d
cardiovascular calcification
coronary artery
renal failure
internal medicine
lowdose vitamin d
kidney transplantation
heart failure
chronic hypoparathyroidism
serum phosphate
extraosseous calcification
fibroblast growth
artery calcification
renal function
calcification inhibitors
uremic arteriolopathy
phosphate binders
phosphate metabolism
mycophenolate mofetil
kidney injury
peritoneal dialysis
metabolic syndrome
glomerular filtration rate
calcific uremic arteriolopathy
bone fragility
mineral bone disorders
hyponatremia disorders
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1989 Defense of the dissertation at the University of Heidelberg
- 1990-1992 Residency at the Department of nephrology and hypertension of the University Hospital Steglitz, Free University Berlin
- 1992-1994 Post-doctoral fellowship at the Division of nephrology of the University of Utah, Health Sciences Center
- Post-doctoral fellowship in Salt Lake City
- 1994-2000 Residency and clinical fellowship at the Department of endocrinology, nephrology, and rheumatology of the University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Charite University of Berlin
- Obtaining specialization in internal medicine
- Habilitation and a teaching license
- Received additional qualifications in the field of nephrology
- 1989-1990 Internship at the Department of nephrology and hypertension of the University Hospital Steglitz, Free University Berlin
- 2000-2007 Assistant Professor and Consultant at the Department of nephrology and clinical immunology of the University Hospital Aachen
- 2007-2019 Division Chief of nephrology at the Clinic Coburg and Head of the Kidney Center in Coburg
- 2019 Professor and Chief Physician of the Department of internal medicine, nephrology, and geriatrics at the Robert Bosch Hospital
Awards & Memberships
- 2009-2018 Council Member of the European Renal Association
- 2015-2017 Co-Chair of the guideline update from the "Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes"
- 2017-2019 Board Member of the kidney health initiative from the American Society of Nephrology
- 2020-2026 Board Member of directors of the "Board of trustees for dialysis and kidney transplantation"
- 2020-2022 Executive Committee Member of the guideline initiative from the "Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes"
- 2021 Congress President of the Annual congress of the European Renal Association in Berlin
- Member of the American Society of Nephrology
- Member of the International Society of Nephrology
- Member of the European Renal Association
- Member of the German Society of Nephrology
- Member of the German Transplantation Society
- Project Member of the Biobank "Peritonealdialyse" S569-PD
- Project Member: "Peritoneal membrane integrity"
- Project Member: "Identification of deliverable drugs for the treatment of peritoneal dialysis patients in clinical practice"
- Project Member: "Establishment of a directional peritoneal model"
- Principal Investigator in several clinical multicenter trials in the chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder field (SVCARB, CALMAG, IMPACT-SHPT, PA-CL-05A and -05B, NOPHOS)
- Editorial Board of the "Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation", "Clinical Nephrology", and "Journal of Nephrology"
- Included in the FOCUS top list of physicians for high blood pressure
- Authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications, including "The Lancet", "Journal of the American Society of Nephrology", "Journal of Clinical Investigation", and “Kidney International”
Recommended calcium intake in adults and children with chronic kidney disease - a European consensus statement.
11 September, 2023
Serum phosphate is associated with increased risk of bone fragility fractures in hemodialysis patients.
2 September, 2023
Treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in non-dialysis CKD: an appraisal 2022s.
31 May, 2023
Auerbachstraße, 110, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Markus Ketteler?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine, nephrology, geriatrics.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Ketteler has been practicing for more than 36 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Markus Ketteler
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© Prof. Dr. med. Markus Ketteler