Prof. Dr. med. Kai Megerle
plastic and aesthetic surgery, hand surgery
plastic and aesthetic surgery, hand surgery
Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
Schoen Clinic Munich Harlaching
Medical unit
Department of hand and plastic surgery
4.3 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
hand surgery
plastic surgery
flexor tendon
tendon tissue engineering
aesthetic surgery
free flap
tendon tissue
tactile sensibility
tendon surgery
hand infections
peripheral nerves
ligament injuries
wound therapy
ulnar nerve
periprosthetic infection
microvascular reconstruction
microsurgery peripheral nerves
flexor tendon surgery
free muscle flaps
free flap coverage
electrical burn
ligament lesions
burn wound
wound closure
burn injuries
nerve regeneration
reconstructive surgery
ulna shortening osteotomy
reconstruction free flap
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1995-2002 Studied human medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen and Technical University Munich, with stays in New York, Houston, and Paris
- 2004 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Defense of the dissertation
- 2004 Specialist qualification in radiation protection
- 2004-2009 Resident of the Accident Clinic Ludwigshafen
- 2009 Obtaining specialization in plastic and aesthetic surgery
- 2009 Pilot research grant from the American Plastic Surgery Education Foundation: "Notch signaling in flexor tendon surgery and engineering"
- 2009 Travel grant from the German Society for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons
- 2010 Received additional qualifications in the field of rescue service
- 2010 German travel grant: "Notch signaling in flexor tendon surgery and engineering"
- 2010-2011 Research Fellow at the Stanford University
- 2011 Travel Fellow from the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand at the Institut of Kaplan
- 2011 Obtaining further specialization in hand surgery
- 2014 Habilitation and a teaching license: "Diagnostics and therapy of carpal instability"
- 2017 Travel Fellow from the American Association for Plastic Surgery at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York
- 2018 Fellow of the European board of hand surgery and a diploma
- 2001 Practical year and scholarship from the Technical University of Munich at Cornell University in New York
- 2002-2004 Internship at the Department of hand surgery in Bad Neustadt/Saale
- 2012-2018 Senior Physician at the Department for plastic surgery and hand surgery of the University Hospital Rechts der Isar Munich
- 2019-2020 Head of the Department for plastic surgery and hand surgery at the University Hospital Rechts der Isar Munich
- 2020 Extraordinary Professor of the Technical University in Munich
- 2020 Chief Physician of the Department of hand and plastic surgery at the Schoen Clinic Munich Harlaching
Awards & Memberships
- 2009 Lecture Prize of the German Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: "Prognostic factors and surgical remediability of sternal wound infections cardiac surgery"
- 2014 Scientific Director of the Munich microsurgery course
- 2014 Best Paper Award in hand surgery, microsurgery, and plastic surgery: "Primary adaptive vs. secondary wound closures for hand infections – differences and advantages"
- 2016 Lecture Prize of the German Society for Hand Surgery: "An alternative trauma register - analyzes of the hospital quality reports"
- 2016 Poster Award of the German Society for Hand Surgery: "Wide awake anesthesia in acute hand surgery"
- Included in the FOCUS top list of physicians for hand surgery
- 2019 Best Paper Award in hand surgery, microsurgery, and plastic surgery
- Member of the extended board at the German Society for Hand Surgery
- Member of the digitization working group at the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons
- Member of the research committee in hand trauma at the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand
- Member of the research committee in hand trauma at the American Society for Surgery of the Hand
- Member of the International wrist investigator workshop
- Member of the German-speaking working group for hand surgery
- Member of the German-speaking working group for microsurgery of the peripheral nerves and vessels
- Member of the German Society for Music Physiology and Musicians Medicine
- Member of the Professional Association of German Surgeons
- Examiner of the Bavarian State Medical Association
- Examiner of the German working group for hand therapy to obtain the title “hand therapist”
Re: Titan AL, Chang J, Megerle K, Murray P, Hammert W. State of the art review: The management of chronic vascular disorders in the hand and upper limb. J Hand Surg Eur. 2023: 48: 295-302.
3 July, 2023
Digitale Volumentomografie bei der Behandlung von Radiusfrakturen.
June, 2023
State of the art review: The management of chronic vascular disorders in the hand and upper limb.
April, 2023
Harlachinger Str., 51, 81547 Munich, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Kai Megerle?
The primary specialization of the doctor is plastic and aesthetic surgery, hand surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Kai Megerle has been practicing for more than 23 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Kai Megerle
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© Prof. Dr. med. Kai Megerle