Prof. Dr. med. Axel Stang
internal medicine, hematology, oncological counseling
internal medicine, hematology, oncological counseling
Country, City
Germany, Hamburg
Health facility
Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Hamburg
Medical unit
Department of hematology, oncology, and palliative medicine
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
uveal melanoma
testicular cancer
skin cancer
breast cancer
coronary artery calcification
colorectal cancer
testicular germ cell
radiofrequency ablation
liver metastases
small bowel
18ffdg petmri
skin melanoma
lung cancer
brain injury
germ cell tumours
nonmelanoma skin cancer
internal medicine
palliative medicine
merkel cell carcinoma
germ cell cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
melanocytic nevi
prostate cancer
splenic lesions
opioid analgesia
metastatic melanoma
portal vein
salivary glands
colorectal carcinoma
burkitt lymphoma
hodgkin lymphoma
smallbowel adenocarcinoma

Cancer diagnosis! What now? ☆ What happens in cancer therapy?

Immunotherapy: 3 questions 3 answers | Asclepius

Chemotherapy for breast cancer

Modern cancer therapy | Asclepius

What is immunotherapy? - Medicine ABC | Asclepius

What is antibody therapy? - Medicine ABC | Asclepius
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Intermediate diploma in biology and molecular genetics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe
- 1996 Studied human medicine at the University of Hamburg
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Defense of the doctorate at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin
- Stay at the Cancer Center Houston
- 2005 Obtaining specialization in internal medicine at the Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Hamburg
- Habilitation and a teaching license at the Semmelweis University Budapest
- 2005 Specialist training in hematology and oncology at the University of Hamburg
- Received additional qualifications in the field of hematology
- Obtaining further specialization in oncology from the European Society for Medical Oncology
- Qualification for genetic counseling following the Genetic Diagnostics Act
- Senior Consultant in hematology, oncology, and stem cell transplantation at the Asklepios Clinic Altona
- Full University Professor at the Semmelweis University of Budapest
- Head of the Department of hematology, oncology, and palliative medicine at the Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Hamburg
- Adjunct Professor in oncology and genetics at the Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Hamburg
- Medical Director of the Department of hematology, oncology, and palliative medicine at the Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Hamburg
Awards & Memberships
- 2012 Asklepios Award "Innovation in medicine"
- Instructor and Seminar Leader Level III from the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine
- Member of the working group for internal oncology from the German Cancer Society
- Member of the working group on interventional sonography
- Member of the German Society for Hematology and Oncology
- Member of the German Society for Internal Medicine
- Member of the German Society for Palliative Medicine
- Member of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine
- Member of the European Society of Medical Oncology
- Chairman of the working group on sonography in Hamburg
- Specialist Examiner of the medical examination at the State Examination Office Hamburg
- Specialist Examiner of the medical examination at the Asklepios Campus Hamburg
- Examiner and Expert Assessor of the Hamburg Medical Association
- Responsible Lecturer at the Asklepios Campus Hamburg in genetics and genomics
- Responsible Lecturer at the Asklepios Campus Hamburg in oncology
Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendations in Pediatric Orthopaedic Injury: A Systematic Review.
November, 2023
Testicular cancer mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean: trend analysis from 1997 to 2019.
27 October, 2023
Distance-Metric Learning for Personalized Survival Analysis.
30 September, 2023
Rübenkamp, 220, 22307 Hamburg, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Axel Stang?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine, hematology, oncological counseling.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Axel Stang has been practicing for more than 29 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Axel Stang
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