Op. Dr. Mustafa Karakoç
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise

Factors Affecting Recovery After Cataract Surgery | Yevilgöz

What is Smart Lens Eye Surgery? Curiosities about Smart Lenses

Op.Dr.Mustafa Karakoç Provides Information on Eye Drawing (Excimer Laser).

Information of Op.Dr.Mustafa Karakoc on Excimer Laser in Kanal 7 Health and Life Program

Program in which Op.Dr. Mustafa Karakoc gave information as a guest on Kanal 7.

Information of Op.Dr.Mustafa Karakoc on Smart Lens at Kanal 7 Health & Life Program
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Till 1993 Studied human medicine at the Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine
- 1999-2006 Established the ophthalmology division at Kızılay Bayrampaşa Medical Center and worked as an opthalmologist.
- Since 2006 Founder and ophthalmologists at the Duzey Eye Clinic
Sulukuyu Sk., No:2, 34310 Istanbul, Turkey
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Op. Dr. Mustafa Karakoç?
The primary specialization of the doctor is opthalmology, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, smart lens applications.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Op. Dr. Mustafa Karakoç has been practicing for more than 32 years.

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© Op. Dr. Mustafa Karakoç