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Dr. Zoilo Cuellar working place, Muscat Eye Laser Center
Dr. Zoilo Cuellar

Dr. Zoilo Cuellar

clinical and surgical ophthalmology
clinical and surgical ophthalmology
User ScoreExperienceTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesOnline Consultations
95%36 years19.7/10$$1Yes


Country, City
Oman, Muscat
Health facility
Muscat Eye Laser Center
Medical unit
Department of refractive, ocular surface, and cataract
5.0 on Google
The data collected based on 1 patient review on Google

About the doctor

Dr. Zoilo Cuellar is a highly experienced ophthalmologist with 34 years of practice. He specializes in clinical and surgical ophthalmology and is currently based in Muscat, Oman, working at the Muscat Eye Laser Center in the Department of refractive, ocular surface, and cataract. Throughout his career, Dr. Cuellar has pursued various professional development and education opportunities. He has attended numerous courses and congresses, such as the National Congress of Ophthalmology, where he keeps updated with the latest developments in his field. He has also obtained a specialization in medical education and has been a professor at several universities, including the University of Antioquia. Moreover, Dr. Cuellar has made significant contributions to the field of ophthalmology. He has been a member of prestigious organizations like the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology and the International Society for Refractive Surgery. Additionally, he has conducted programs focused on preventing blindness and has developed educational programs for medical students and practitioners. With his extensive experience and dedication to advancing his field, Dr. Cuellar is highly regarded as a skilled and knowledgeable ophthalmologist. His expertise in refractive, ocular surface and cataract treatments makes him a reliable choice for patients seeking high-quality eye care.

Skills & Expertise

refractive surgery
ocular surface
surgical ophthalmology
eye laser
excimer laser
refractive cornea surgery
anterior segment
cornea surgery
neuro ophthalmology
myopia surgery
photorefractive surgery
low vision
prevention blindness
ophthalmology surgery



CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1986 Course in Bogota: "Rational management of the pediatric patient in critical condition"
  • 1987 Course in Bogota: "Third annual neuro ophthalmology course"
  • 1988 Third national medical symposium in Bogota
  • 1989 Studied human medicine at the Pontifical Javierian University
  • Obtaining a license for medical practice
  • 1990 National congress of ophthalmology in Cali
  • 1990 Course from the National Ophthalmology Foundation in Bogota: "Update in ophthalmology"
  • 1991 Course from the National Ophthalmology Foundation in Bogota: "Update in ophthalmology"
  • 1992 National congress of ophthalmology in Bogota
  • 1992 Anglo-American pediatric ophthalmology course in Bogota
  • 1993 Resident at the Higher School of Ophthalmology, Barraquer Institute of America
  • 1993 Fellow in refractive and cornea surgery at the Higher School of Ophthalmology, Barraquer Institute of America
  • 1993 Obtaining specialization in clinical and surgical ophthalmology
  • 1993 Excimer laser course in myopia surgery of Bogota
  • 1993 Meeting of the Colombian working group on glaucoma in Bogota
  • 1994 National congress of ophthalmology in Cartagena
  • 1995 International forum of refractive surgery in Bogota 
  • 1995 Phaco course “Cataract week” in Bogota
  • 1997 International congress of refractive surgery in Bogota
  • 1997 Legal and operational framework for quality in the provision of health services in Bogota
  • 1997 Theoretical-practical course of photo-refractive surgery with excimer laser in Bogota
  • 1997 Annual course of the Association of Alumni of the National Ophthalmological Foundation in Bogota: "Panorama of ophthalmology at the end of the century" 
  • 1998 Ophthalmology symposium in Merida
  • 1998 Annual course of the Association of Graduates of the National Ophthalmological Foundation in Bogota
  • 1999 Training in community eye health provision V. Bucaramanga in Colombia
  • 2000 National congress of ophthalmology in Paipa
  • 2000 World congress of refractive surgery in Miami
  • 2000 Theoretical-practical course on phacoemulsification in Bogota: "Learn the technique step by step"
  • 2001 Advice on management guidelines for functional rehabilitation care for the blind and low vision population in Bogota
  • 2002 National congress of ophthalmology in Cartagena
  • 2002 Treatable and preventable blindness symposium in Bogota
  • 2002 Community eye health training provision VIII. Bucaramanga in Colombia
  • 2004 Investigator training program from Pfizer in Bogota
  • 2004 National congress of ophthalmology in Cartagena
  • 2005 Specialization in medical education at the University of La Sabana
  • Telehealth mastery at the University of Antioquia
  • 2006 National congress of ophthalmology in Cartagena
  • 2006 Ibero-American congress on competency-based approach in Bogota
  • 2008 Researcher at the University of Antioquia
  • 2009 Diploma in Pedagogical Foundation and University Didactics in Medellin
  • 2009 Course in Medellin: "Integration of technologies to teaching" 
  • 2009 Theoretical-practical training in INTRALASE FS at the Visionem Laser Center in Bogota
  • 2010 Course for directors and coordinators of residency programs in Colombia
  • 2010 National congress of ophthalmology in Bogota
  • 2011 Pan American Congress of ophthalmology in Buenos Aires
  • 2012 National congress of ophthalmology in Bogota
  • 2012 International conference on medical education from the Colombian Association of Medical Schools: "The doctor of the 21st century"
  • 2013 Course at the Harvard Medical School in Boston: "Principles of medical education: maximizing your teaching skills"
  • 2013 VSS Refractive physician certification in Abbott Medical Optics 
  • 1989 Rural Doctor in Santa Catalina
  • 1999-2007 Assistant Professor at the University of La Sabana
  • 1999-2008 Ophthalmology Coordinator at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2001-2002 Head of surgery area at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2008 Private ophthalmology practice at the Oliozftalmos Cuellar y Cia in Bogota
  • 2008 Assistant Professor at the University of Antioquia
  • 2005 Department of refractive surgery and ring implants at the Optilaser Bogota
  • 2008 Teleton University Clinic in Chia
  • 2008 Assistant Professor at the University of Antioquia
  • 2008-2009 Cornea specialist ophthalmologist at the VISION GLOBAL Medellin
  • 2008-2019 Consultation and ophthalmology surgery at the Santa Lucia Ophthalmology Clinic in Medellin
  • 2011-2012 Head of ophthalmology at the University of Antioquia
  • Professor of cornea and cataract at the University of Antioquia
  • 2018 Medellin private ophthalmology practice
  • 2019-2020 Department of ophthalmology at the LAFAM
  • 2021 Department of ophthalmology at the Vision Integrados Clinic
  • Head of the ophthalmology section and the Department of medical education at the University of Antioquia
  • Department of refractive, ocular surface, and cataract at the Muscat Eye Laser Center
Awards & Memberships
  • 1996-2016 Member of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology
  • 2002-2006 Head of practice school at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2004-2006 Executive Secretary of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology
  • 2006 Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medicine: Corresponding Member
  • 2006 Coordinator of internationalization and medical education at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2006-2007 Coordinator of the chair of humanities and history of medicine at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2007-2008 Professor of the history of medicine chair at the Teleton University Clinic
  • 2012-2015 Head of medical education at the University of Antioquia
  • 2020 Temporary Advisor and Consultant at the Pan American Health Organization
  • Member of the faculty curriculum committee at the University of Antioquia
  • Conducted programs related to the prevention of blindness for various populations
  • Developed undergraduate programs on general surgery and specialties, internships programs, and postgraduate programs on ophthalmology for the School of Medicine of the University of La Sabana
  • Implemented and developed the diploma for teaching in medical-surgical specialties
  • Associate Member of the Latin American Association of Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgeons
  • Member of the International Society for Refractive Surgery


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Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Dr. Zoilo Cuellar?

The primary specialization of the doctor is clinical and surgical ophthalmology.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Dr. Zoilo Cuellar has been practicing for more than 36 years.

What do patients say about Dr. Zoilo Cuellar?

The doctor has 0 review on AiroMedical and and 1 feedback at other places. The UserScore of the specialist is 95%.

What is the rating of the doctor?

Dr. Zoilo Cuellar is rated as 9.70 by AiroMedical.

What topics does Dr. Zoilo Cuellar expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in ophthalmology, surgery, refractive, cataract, eye.

Where can I see the work of the doctor?

AiroMedical gallery has 1 image related to Dr. Zoilo Cuellar.

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Dr. Zoilo Cuellar performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Dr. Zoilo Cuellar
Dr. Zoilo Cuellar

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© Dr. Zoilo Cuellar

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