Dr. Alejandra Cancino
Country, City
Oman, Muscat
Health facility
Muscat Eye Laser Center
Medical unit
Department of general ophthalmology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
cornea refractive surgery
refractive surgery
eye laser
anterior segment
anterior segment surgery
segment surgery
conjunctival corneal neoplasia
intraocular lens implantation
corneal neoplasia
lens implantation
intraocular lens

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1990-1995 Studied human medicine at the University of Rosario
- 1997-2000 Residency in ophthalmology at the Higher School of Ophthalmology of the Barraquer Institute of America in Bogota
- Obtaining specialization in ophthalmology
- 2000 Course at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Dallas: "Secondary intraocular lens implantation in the absence of capsular support"
- 2000 Course at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Dallas: "Learning phaco chop: pearls and pitfalls"
- 2000 Course at the Specialists Center "Carlos Echeverry Herrera", Colombian Social Security Institute in Bogota: "Ophthalmology actualization"
- 2001 Course from the Rand Eye Foundation and Rand Eye Institute in Pompano Beach: "Anterior segment and phacoemulsification surgery"
- 2001 Course from the Rand Eye Foundation and Rand Eye Institute in Pompano Beach: "Conjunctival and corneal neoplasia and the pearls of PERRLA"
- 2001 Course at the Department of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics of the Javeriana University, Barraquer Clinic in Bogota: "Medicine based on evidence"
- 2001 Course from the Alcon Laboratories at the Barraquer Clinic in Bogota: "Learning phaco step by step"
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 2005 Course at the Colombian Institute for Ophthalmic Research of the Reinoso Clinic in Bogota: "35th-anniversary course"
- 2006 Course from the ALCON Pharmaceuticals: "Management of ocular allergy"
- 2010 Course at the Magrabi Hospitals and Centers in Muscat: "Management of progressing glaucoma patients"
- 2011 Course at the Magrabi Hospitals and Centers in Muscat: "Glaucoma suspects"
- 2012 Course at the Magrabi Hospitals and Centers in Muscat: "INLAYS in the treatment of presbyopia"
- 2018 Course at the Dar Al Shifa Polyclinic in Muscat: "Esotropia"
- 2018 Course at the Dar Al Shifa Polyclinic in Muscat: "Ophthalmic patient pre and post-operative nursing care"
- 2019 Course at the Dar Al Shifa Polyclinic in Muscat: "Updates, diagnosis, and treatment of amblyopia in children"
- 2020 Residency in ophthalmology at the Barraquer Institute of America in Bogota
- 1996 Internship year at the Saint Joseph Hospital in Bogota
- 1997 Social obligatory service at the Jose Cayetano Vasquez Hospital in Puerto Boyaca
- 2000-2002 Head of the Department of emergency and Residents Monitor at the Barraquer Clinic in Bogota
- 2001-2003 Head of the Department of ophthalmology and anterior segment surgery at the Colsubsidio Rome Clinic
- 2002-2003 Department of cornea and anterior segment surgery at the Red Salud Bogota
- 2002-2003 Department of occupational health ophthalmology at the SIPLAS
- 2003-2004 Surgeon of the Department of general ophthalmology at the Muscat Eye Laser Center
- 2004-2005 Department of cornea and anterior segment surgery at the Horus Ophthalmological Group in Bogota
- 2004-2005 Consultant of the Department of general ophthalmology at the Oftalmosanitas, Sanitas International Organization
- 2004-2008 Cornea and Anterior Segment Surgeon at the Foundation Institute of Immunology of Colombia
- 2006-2008 Department of general ophthalmology at the Magrabi Eye & Ear Hospital in Muscat
- 2008-2012 Department of general ophthalmology and cornea refractive surgery at the German Eye Centre in Muscat
- 2012-2013 Department of general ophthalmology and cornea refractive surgery at the International Eye And Ear Care Center in Muscat
- 2013-2020 Department of general ophthalmology and cornea refractive surgery at the Dar El-Oyoun Eye Laser Center
- 2018-2019 Medical Director at the Dar El-Oyoun Eye Laser Center
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Alejandra Cancino works at Muscat Eye Laser Center.
What is the specialization of Dr. Alejandra Cancino?
The primary specialization of the doctor is ophthalmology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Alejandra Cancino has been practicing for more than 30 years.

Dr. Alejandra Cancino
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