Dr. Nadir Tosyali
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise

What are the causes of abdominal pain in children?

M.D. A. Nadir Tosalı - CV

What causes inguinal hernia in children? What are the symptoms? - Op. Dr. A. Nadir Tosalı

How to diagnose abdominal pain and acute abdomen in children

What is abdominal pain and acute abdomen in children?

Breast Enhancement in Children - Op. dr. Ahmet Nadir Tosalı
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1978-1984 Studied human medicine at the Dicle University in Diyarbakir
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1989 Anorectal malformations and repairs course
- 1992 International hypospadias courses
- 1994 Obtaining specialization in pediatric surgery at the Dicle University in Diyarbakir
- 1995 Video endo-laparoscopic surgery basic training
- 1995 Pediatric urodynamics course
- 1996 International course on disorders of sexual development and its repair
- 1998 Occupational medicine certification
- 2002 Turkish qualification certificate in pediatric surgery
- 2004 Undescended testis workshop
- 2004 International workshop on undescended testis and associated anomalies
- 2005 World workshop on hypospadias and disorders of sexual development
- 2007 Neonatal resuscitation program practitioner certificate
- 2010 Neonatal resuscitation program practitioner certificate
- 2010 Pediatric oncology training workshop
- 2010 Workshop on video urodynamics applications in children
- 2012 Workshop on current approaches in sexual development defects
- 2012 Basic life support training
- 2014 Basic life support training
- Department of pediatric surgery at the Dicle University
- Istanbul Goztepe Training and Research Hospital
- Department of pediatric surgery at the Istanbul University
- Department of pediatric surgery at the Yeditepe University
- 2010 Head of the Department of pediatric surgery at the Anadolu Medical Centre
- Member of the Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons
- Member of the Turkish Pediatric Urology Association
- Member of the Turkish Sex Development and Hypospadias Association
- Member of the Turkish Medical Association Ethics and Reputation Society
- Member of the Turkish Surgical Infection Association
Symptomatic omphalomesenteric duct remnants in children.
June, 2010
An audit on pediatric hydatid disease of uncommon localization: incidence, diagnosis, surgical approach, and outcome.
August, 2006
Pulmonary hydatid disease in children: outcome of surgical treatment combined with perioperative albendazole therapy.
February, 2006
D100, Üstü, 41140 Gebze, Turkey
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Nadir Tosyali works at Anadolu Medical Centre.
What is the specialization of Dr. Nadir Tosyali?
The primary specialization of the doctor is newborn surgery, pediatric urological and oncological operations, and child traumas and burns.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Nadir Tosyali has been practicing for more than 41 years.

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