Dr. med. Fabian Hartmann
internal medicine, gastroenterology and gastroenterological oncology
internal medicine, gastroenterology and gastroenterological oncology
Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
Academic Hospital Bogenhausen Munich
Medical unit
Department of oncology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
internal medicine
gastroenterological oncology
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 2007-2013 Studied medicine at the University of Magdeburg PJ in Burgdorf, Switzerland, Empangeni, South Africa, and Magdeburg
- 2010-2013 Dissertation: "Analysis of liver values after intra-arterial administration of 99m technetium-labeled albumin particles before selective internal radiotherapy of the liver and evaluation of these values for the prediction of hepatotoxicity"
- 2013 Approbation as Doctor
- 2019 to 2022 Participation in the Munich Masterclass of Gastroenterology at the Ludwigs-Maximilian University (Prof. Mayerle)
- Specialist in internal medicine
- Specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology
- German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases certificate oncological gastroenterology
- 2014-2020 Resident at the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Gastroenterological Oncology at the Munich Clinic Bogenhausen (Prof. Dr. W. Schepp)
- 2020 Recognition as a specialist in internal medicine by the Bavarian State Medical Association
- 2020 Coordinator of the oncological center, Academic Hospital Bogenhausen Munich, Germany
- 2020 Senior Physician at the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Gastroenterological Oncology, Academic Hospital Bogenhausen Munich, Germany
- 2022 Recognition as a specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology by the Bavarian State Medical Association
- 2022 Senior Physician in the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Gastroenterological Oncology, Academic Hospital Bogenhausen Munich, Germany
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
Englschalkinger Str., 77, 81925 Munich, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Fabian Hartmann?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine, gastroenterology and gastroenterological oncology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Fabian Hartmann has been practicing for more than 12 years.

Dr. med. Fabian Hartmann
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