Dr. Maurice Cabanis
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise

ASSIST- a virtual platform in substance use disorder care supporting the continuum of care


Presentation “New Ways of Harm Reduction” - Dr. Maurice Cabanis

Dr. med. Maurice Cabanis, medical director of the Department of Addiction Medicine Stuttgart

Dr. Maurice Cabanis: “Suffering, Shaping or Ignoring Psychiatry in a Networked Society?”

Interview with addiction doctor Dr Cabanis Stuttgart on cannabis legalization
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 2007-2008 Practical year in Kenyatta Hospital Nairobi (Kenya), Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland), University Hospital Giessen and Marburg
- 2008-2009 Passed state examination and medical license at the Philipps University of Marburg
- 2018 Become a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy
- 2010-2012 Research associate in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Philipps University of Marburg
- 2013-2015 Assistant physician in the Clinic for Special Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy at the Stuttgart Hospital, Center for Mental Health
- 2016-2017 Assistant physician at the Center for Integrative Psychiatry in the Lübeck University Hospital
- 2016-2017 Assistant physician in the Clinic for Neurology and Neurophysiology at the Schön Clinic, Neustadt in Holstein
- 2017-2018 Functional senior physician at the Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behavior, Stuttgart Hospital, Center for Mental Health
- 2019-2021 Senior physician with deputy head physician function at the Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behavior, Stuttgart Hospital, Center for Mental Health
Seed morphometrics unravels the evolutionary history of grapevine in France.
27 September, 2024
Entstigmatisierung in der Suchtmedizin: Die Verantwortung der Behandelnden und Beratenden
1 September, 2024
Architecture and Development Framework for a Web-Based Risk Assessment and Management Platform Developed on WordPress to Address Opioid Overdose.
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Kriegsbergstraße, 60, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Maurice Cabanis works at Stuttgart Hospital.
What is the specialization of Dr. Maurice Cabanis?
The primary specialization of the doctor is addiction medicine, addictive behavior, psychiatric addictions.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Maurice Cabanis has been practicing for more than 17 years.

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© Dr. Maurice Cabanis