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Find the best medical offers in Lithuania
Find the best medical offers in LithuaniaDescending5
Questions people ask the most
What are the best proposals in Lithuania?
<a href="/offers/fd5662d7-43b3-4111-8fe2-e77e3ab841a9">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - AiroScore 9.50, <a href="/offers/ba16724e-9b45-491c-bdc3-099dec61c0fe">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - AiroScore 9.50, <a href="/offers/428e22e8-74cb-43fe-9b02-07ea3bd7c916">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - AiroScore 9.50, <a href="/offers/7dac8faf-ffc4-4c4b-b8a0-e36ef54bea0a">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - AiroScore 9.50, and <a href="/offers/a2912740-4243-4536-b8a9-e99b99bdc791">Teeth Bleaching (Both Jaws) - Beyond Polus Power Whitening Machine | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - AiroScore 9.50 are the most rated medical deals in Lithuania.
What are the most expensive deals in Lithuania?
<a href="/offers/7dac8faf-ffc4-4c4b-b8a0-e36ef54bea0a">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €5,900, <a href="/offers/ba16724e-9b45-491c-bdc3-099dec61c0fe">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,900, <a href="/offers/428e22e8-74cb-43fe-9b02-07ea3bd7c916">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,500, <a href="/offers/fd5662d7-43b3-4111-8fe2-e77e3ab841a9">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,200, and <a href="/offers/a2912740-4243-4536-b8a9-e99b99bdc791">Teeth Bleaching (Both Jaws) - Beyond Polus Power Whitening Machine | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €250 are costly medical offers in Lithuania.
What are the cheapest deals in Lithuania?
<a href="/offers/a2912740-4243-4536-b8a9-e99b99bdc791">Teeth Bleaching (Both Jaws) - Beyond Polus Power Whitening Machine | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €250, <a href="/offers/fd5662d7-43b3-4111-8fe2-e77e3ab841a9">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,200, <a href="/offers/428e22e8-74cb-43fe-9b02-07ea3bd7c916">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,500, <a href="/offers/ba16724e-9b45-491c-bdc3-099dec61c0fe">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €4,900, and <a href="/offers/7dac8faf-ffc4-4c4b-b8a0-e36ef54bea0a">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - €5,900 are affordable medical offers in Lithuania.
Which offers in Lithuania have images & movies on their cards?
<a href="/offers/7dac8faf-ffc4-4c4b-b8a0-e36ef54bea0a">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - 5 photos & 10 videos, <a href="/offers/428e22e8-74cb-43fe-9b02-07ea3bd7c916">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - 5 photos & 9 videos, <a href="/offers/ba16724e-9b45-491c-bdc3-099dec61c0fe">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - 6 photos & 7 videos, <a href="/offers/fd5662d7-43b3-4111-8fe2-e77e3ab841a9">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - 5 photos & 7 videos, and <a href="/offers/a2912740-4243-4536-b8a9-e99b99bdc791">Teeth Bleaching (Both Jaws) - Beyond Polus Power Whitening Machine | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> - 12 photos are proposals in Lithuania with a vast media gallery
What medical deals in Lithuania have features on their cards?
<a href="/offers/fd5662d7-43b3-4111-8fe2-e77e3ab841a9">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a>, <a href="/offers/ba16724e-9b45-491c-bdc3-099dec61c0fe">All-on-4 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a>, <a href="/offers/428e22e8-74cb-43fe-9b02-07ea3bd7c916">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Neodent Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a>, <a href="/offers/7dac8faf-ffc4-4c4b-b8a0-e36ef54bea0a">All-on-6 Dental Implants (one arch) - Straumann SLA Implants + Zirconium Crown | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a>, and <a href="/offers/a2912740-4243-4536-b8a9-e99b99bdc791">Teeth Bleaching (Both Jaws) - Beyond Polus Power Whitening Machine | Albodent Clinic Vilnius, Lithuania</a> have features.
How do I book the offer in Lithuania?
<a href="#found-offers">5</a> medical deals are available in Lithuania. Select one and click on the offer’s card to get assessment. <a data-link="true" href="/">AiroMedical</a> is ready to help 24/7.