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Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau working place, University Hospital Erlangen
Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau

radiotherapy, radiation oncology and palliative medicine
radiotherapy, radiation oncology and palliative medicine
User ScoreExperienceRatingPrice RangePublicationsOnline Consultations
91%43 years9.8/10$$$$674No


Country, City
Germany, Erlangen
Health facility
University Hospital Erlangen
Medical unit
Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology

About the doctor

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau is a highly experienced doctor specializing in radiotherapy, radiation oncology, and palliative medicine. With over 41 years of experience, he has dedicated his career to studying and treating various types of cancer. Currently working at the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen in Germany, Prof. Fietkau has made significant contributions to the field of oncology. Prof. Fietkau has held various positions at reputable medical institutions and universities throughout his extensive career. He has served as a Medical Director and Professor in radiation oncology, therapy, and biology. In addition, he has been actively involved in research and has published over 672 scientific publications. One of the most exciting aspects of Prof. Fietkau's career is his specialization in palliative medicine, which focuses on improving the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses. This expertise sets him apart from other doctors and highlights his dedication to providing comprehensive care for cancer patients. Prof. Fietkau's extensive experience, impressive publication record, and dedication to palliative medicine make him a highly respected and sought-after doctor in the field of oncology. His expertise, research, and patient care contributions make him an invaluable asset to the University Hospital Erlangen and the medical community.

Skills & Expertise

rectal cancer
breast cancer
lung cancer
neck cancer
head neck cancer
radiation oncology
radiation therapy
head neck tumors
partial breast irradiation
bladder cancer
prostate cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
neck squamous cell
lymph node
pancreatic cancer
regional hyperthermia
interstitial brachytherapy
smallcell lung cancer
breast brachytherapy
breastconserving surgery
tumor cell
interstitial pulseddoserate brachytherapy
esophageal cancer
salivary gland cancer
gland cancer
nonsmallcell lung cancer
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
interstitial breast brachytherapy


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1976-1982 Studied human medicine at the Universities of Bochum, Saarbruecken, and Wuerzburg
  • 1990 Obtaining specialization in radiotherapy
  • 1992 Habilitation and a teaching license
  • 2007 Received additional qualifications in the field of palliative medicine
  • 1982-1984 Assistant Physician, Department of radiotherapy, University Hospital Wuerzburg
  • 1984-1988 Assistant Physician, Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen
  • 1985 Defense of the dissertation
  • 1988-1989 Assistant Physician in radiology at the Department of surgery at the University Hospital Erlangen
  • 1989-1993 Registrar of the Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen
  • 1993-1994 Interim management of the Department of radio oncology, University Hospital Goettingen
  • 1994-1997 Senior Registrar, Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen
  • 1996-1997 C3 Professor of radiotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 1997-2007 Medical Director of the Department of radio oncology, University Hospital Rostock
  • 1997-2008 C4 Professor in radiation oncology, radiation therapy, and radiation biology, University of Rostock
  • 2008 W3 Professor and Medical Director, Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen
  • 2009 W3 Professor and Managing Medical Director, Department of radiotherapy and radiation oncology at the University Hospital Erlangen
Awards & Memberships
  • 2004-2016 Founding spokesperson of the interdisciplinary work group “Head and neck tumors” in the German Cancer Society
  • 2014 Speaker of the research group for clinical application of hyperthermia in oncology
  • 2015 Editor-in-Chief of „Radiotherapy and Oncology“
  • 2019 President of the German Society for Radiation Oncology
  • Member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology


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German flag


Non-Professional Phagocytosis Increases in Melanoma Cells and Tissues with Increasing E-Cadherin Expression.

11 August, 2023

Ex Vivo Chromosomal Radiosensitivity Testing in Patients with Pathological Germline Variants in Breast Cancer High-Susceptibility Genes BReast CAncer 1 and BReast CAncer 2.

10 August, 2023

Estimating follow-up CTs from geometric deformations of catheter implants in interstitial breast brachytherapy: A feasibility study using electromagnetic tracking.

4 August, 2023


Maximilianspl., 2, 91054 Erlangen, Germany


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau?

The primary specialization of the doctor is radiotherapy, radiation oncology and palliative medicine.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau has been practicing for more than 43 years.

What is the rating of the doctor?

What topics does Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in cancer, radiotherapy, breast, neck, radiochemotherapy.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

No, Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau doesn’t perform virtual appointments.

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau
Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau

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© Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau