Dr. Jesica Yakin Mendez, MD
geriatrics and ultrasonography diagnostics
geriatrics and ultrasonography diagnostics
Country, City
Mexico, Mexico City
Health facility
RegenerAge Elite Clinic Mexico City
Medical unit
Department of interventional radiology and diagnostics
About the doctor
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine at the Westhill Institute and the National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Obtaining specialization in geriatrics at the Hospital Regional Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers
- Pursued an International Masters degree in molecular biology and cytogenetics from Esneca Business School
- Holds an ultrasonography title from the prestigious Autonomous University of Guadalajara in Mexico
- Department of interventional radiology and diagnostics at the RegenerAge Elite Clinic Mexico City
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Jesica Yakin Mendez, MD?
The primary specialization of the doctor is geriatrics and ultrasonography diagnostics.
What is the rating of the doctor?
Dr. Jesica Yakin Mendez, MD is rated as 9.80 by AiroMedical.

Dr. Jesica Yakin Mendez, MD
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