Size & Capacity
Medium, 150 beds
Type of care
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4.0 on Google
The data collected based on 62 patient reviews on Google
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Ludwigstraße 1 + 2, 78098 Triberg im Schwarzwald, Germany
Should I choose the hospital for rehabilitation after bone marrow transplantation?
For more than 20 years, the clinic has been rehabilitating patients with malignant diseases of hematology and after bone marrow transplantation. Rehabilitation specialists offer a comprehensive individual approach and correction of further immunosuppressive treatment.
What are the restoration areas of Oncological Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Triberg?
Rehabilitators pay the most attention to movement therapy, thanks to which the physical form improves and positively affects the psychological state. In addition, doctors achieve the primary goal of cure, preventing repeated oncology cases.
What are the advantages of rehabilitation in a medical center?
More than 50 years of experience, compliance with high medical standards amid a favorable climate, and abundant nature are significant advantages. Patients can visit excursions and entertainment offers of the city, which contributes to a relaxed atmosphere.

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