Dr. Jorge Moisés Sandrús
internal medicine, nephrology
internal medicine, nephrology
Country, City
Spain, Barcelona
Health facility
Teknon Medical Centre Barcelona
Medical unit
Department of internal medicine (nephrology (kidney disease))
5.0 on Google
The data collected based on
patient review on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
internal medicine

Fight resistant high blood pressure definitively: Renal denervation
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1992 Bachelor of medicine and surgery, faculty of medicine, National University of Tucuman
- 1992-1993 Beginning of monographic doctoral courses, completion with research sufficiency
- 1993 Medical degree from the National University of Tucuman
- Degree in general medicine and surgery approved by the Spanish National Health System
- Medical specialist in nephrology at Clinic I Provincial de Barcelona
- 1993-1995 Scholarship received by the National University of Tucuman as Medical Officer of the nephrology service
- 1995 Resident Doctor in nephrology
- 1989-1992 Medical and Surgical Security Practitioner, Angel C. Padilla Hospital Tucuman
- 1989-1991 Assistant Professor at Ward IV of urology at Angel C. Padilla Hospital Tucuman
- 1995-2000 Assistant Physician at the Department of kidney transplantation of the Hospital Clinic Barcelona
- 1995-2001 Renal Insufficiency Center
- 1997 Medical assistant in private practice
- 2000-2004 Associate Nephrologist at Teknon Medical Center Barcelona in the group of internal medicine and cardiology
- 2004-2009 Junior Nephrologist at Teknon Medical Center Barcelona, working in the internal medicine and cardiology service group
- 2009 Director, Department of internal medicine (nephrology (kidney disease)) at Teknon Medical Center Barcelona
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the Spanish Society of Nephrology
- Member of the Spanish Society of Hypertension
- Member of the Catalan Society of Hypertension
Carrer de Vilana, 12, 08022 Barcelona, Spain
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Jorge Moisés Sandrús?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine, nephrology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Jorge Moisés Sandrús has been practicing for more than 33 years.

Dr. Jorge Moisés Sandrús
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